Elementos de Marketing de los que hablamos
Twitter: We have to measure everything
One of the Internet tools that I like a lot is Map my followers. It’s free, it’s fast, it’s simple and it’s useful. What more do you need for trying it? Nothing.
This feature with let us to know things like our most used keywords, but more important: where are our followers distribuited in map, integrated into Google Maps. Fine!
How to connect with Map my followers
It’s very simple: just type the URL https://www.mapmyfollowers.com/ and you’ll find a funny picture like this:
Like you can guess, you click on Sign In with your twitter account and through an API you’ll be connected in a few seconds.
Global Map with twitter followers
Once into the own web, you can see a whole world map with your twitter followers identified and classified by its place over a Google Maps basis.
This is the image you can see, with your followers located by the red signs all around the world:
We have a screen with three main parts:
1) The map with your followers
2) A box for selecting your followers and your twitter info
3) Common follower terms
Common follower terms
One of the most repeated tips in twitter is: «Quality vs quantity». It’s not important if you have 100,000 followers, it’s important the engagement you have with them, the number of retweets, favorites, and mutual benefitis obtained for following both.
In this sense, it’s useful to know not just your used keywords, keytopics, hashtags or similars, but your followers. If you’re focused in Digital Marketing and common used words by your followers are about social media, SEO or PPC it rules. If they common words are about «followback», «free videos» or «DJ Producer» then you could have a targeted problem.
Here is where you can find this info, in a cloud system:
How you can target your followers
Targeting your followers is quite important in a Digital Marketing Plan strategy, specially if you are developing a social media policy where twitter is a keypoint.
It’s not the same if you are twittering in Spanish for Latin America markerts and your followers come from Australia that if you are focused in English speaking markets and your followers come from USA, UK, India and Australia.
Also, we can group our followers, we can see their local distribution and we can select times for twittering, themes for twittering and special action for offering or engaging.
This is how I’ve grouped my first #500 followers:
Targeting my Twitter followers
In this map, I identified geocultural clusters: America, specially USA and Mexico markets, Europe, with UK and Central Europe at the Top, Middle-East, South Asia and Oceania, and finally South Afica.
This map gives me a chance for developing my own twitter strategies and like we say a «Plan de Marketing Digital para Posicionamiento en Redes Sociales», so , how to be situated in social media through a Digital marketing Plan.
So, take your time, try this tool, and if you like this post, Share the love!