Elementos de Marketing de los que hablamos
It has been said that hosting IP location is important for SEO purposes. Like I don’t know this fact, and I’m not sure at all, and I have read everything about it, I’m developing a test for it right now.
The test I develop is based in three main hosting servers. First one, Hostgator, is based in the USA.
Hostgator is one of the big companies in this area, with a high promotion in the net.
The stats about hosting
I have several webs hosted in Hostgator and they are really fast and accurated. Some of them are focused in America, other ones in Europe.
These webs reached high results in SERPS ins everal countries and in different languages, that is, IP location is not as strong as someone could think about.
Between the languages, Spanish and English are the most common ones. Here I introduce you a banner from this company:
The new hosting
My new provider is Hosting24, and its location is in Lithuania, European Union.
There are similar conditions in MySQL data bases, times of access, and all the other characteristics. I will transfer one of my webs from other different host and let’s see what happens. Lithuania is not USA nor Spain and they don’t speak English nor Spanish as national language.
Promotion in both will be similar, and the difference will be just location. Websites have been tracked for finding best SERPs Here there is a Hosting24 Banner:
The experiment
I got several data from my hosts in the United States for websites whose main market is Spain, and in Spanish. Also, I have other ones whose market is USA and American English is the main language.
My objective is to know what happens when your server is out of these countries and in a new one whose language is not English nor Spanish.
When we are developing SEO en León strategies, we know everything about internal SEO and a lot about external SEO, but the fact that makes the difference are little things.
Are hosting locations a very interesting thing for developing projects?
Is it enough to buy a .es, .fr or .at for international campaigns?
Is the hosting country a decisive factor?
Does language matter?
In a few weeks, all the answers to these questions and, finally, the results.
A bonus for you
Like I’ve spent some time looking for the host servers, I got some coupon codes for Aigen Digital Marketing visitors. Here I let you the codes:
Hostgator – 25% off – Coupon Code: WSIADM25OFF
Hosting24 – 2$ off monthly – Coupon Code: HOST24AIGENGOLD
Your turn about Hosting
Do you have a Hosting? Do you like it? What do you think about hosting and SEO? Y
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