Elementos de Marketing de los que hablamos
In the last days, many of my students have had examinations. I teach two grades: Business Administration, and Marketing. The first ones are in their second course (from 4) and the last ones are, at least, in their 5th year at the University and have an university degree.
The first ones have an examination about Market research, especially quantitative methodologies, and the second ones about Internet Marketing: domains, seo, agencia sem ppc, social networks and all these kinds of things we usually talk about. What were the results? Let’s analyze them.
Digital Marketing in Leon, Europe
Let’s start by the older ones. I had a lot of students from France, Brazil, South America and other European countries (of course, most of them Leonese). Results were awesome. Grammar, vocabulary, and just read the questions and answer what it’s required to be answered was a total Odyssey.
When they were talking about Iberian peninsula, just a couple of them known or at least noticed, that we were talking about Spain AND Portugal. We are not going to talk about Gibraltar or Andorra, but it was incredible for me that most of them forgot Portugal. In Euro 2012 Spain and Portugal played the semifinal in the UEFA Championship.
Online Marketing concepts and Marketing students
Most terrible at all were their digital marketing knowledge. Most of them didn’t know basic points about web, Internet, social networks and, of course, when they had to talk about SEO, PPC or Facebook, it was a whole disaster.
When we were talking about what was a computer, one of them answered «we know that concept, we know what a computer is, but we don’t have enough words for defining it». Yes, we are talking about 25 years old university students, with a diploma.
The new generation
Hopefully, the new generation is fantastic. Almost all of them had very good marks, good grammar, good knowledge and were especially good when they have to analyze advertising, music videos or web campaigns.
Why does Spain have this incredible gap between last university and first university students? Maybe the school system, maybe technology, maybe an attitude to life.
Results are that when the economy is falling down, the ones that should occupy best qualified jobs are the worst generation of the history.
Let’s wait a couple of years for seeing a future beyond the crisis.
Your turn about University and Marketing
What do you think about education in your country? Do you think university degrees are adecuated for real digital marketing?
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