Elementos de Marketing de los que hablamos

All of us developed social media marketing actions for promoting our posts.

Best at all is Triberr (Dino, you’re great and for me you’re Dino Gutenberg), but for getting more SEO capabilities and even more juice, there are some kinds of social media news places where you can share your articles with others.

When someone start in the blogosphere it’s necessary to share your content, to arrive your targeted people and to get visitors.


SERPs and social media news places

When we try to get the best place in Google, social media news places are one of the first places new bloggers think about. Digg in USA or Meneame in Spain, are at the top of the list.

Problems start when after thinking it was a good idea, bloggers go to Google and… your website is, but after Meneame, the site where you aggregated you post.

Here we take an example from marketingmagazine.es about Meneame.

Social media News: DANGER!!!

When a newbie thinks about the benefits of social media news he’s right: a home position will make his posts to circulate all around the web and, like MK Magazine publishes, sometimes servers will be collapsed.

Problem is clear: What about Google? What happens when it considers your posts as a duplicated and send you to the bottom? This problem is especially hard for beginners, and newbies should take it in count.

Google’s algorithm is, like all we know, a secret like Coca Cola’s, but it’s a fact that Google prefers big websites, old websites, visited websites that new websites with not too much traffic and a small quantity of visitors.


Here we introduce you an example

We take the same one that https://marketingmagazine.es/peligro-agregadores/, a Spanish website about marketing, seo and companies in the net.

“Los trasplantes de manos podrían hacer que los pacientes cambiasen de diestros a zurdos y viceversa»

When you copy-paste this text in Google, it can be seen that first is meneame and then it comes the original source, that is this one:


This is an example about the dangers of sending some posts to this kind of social media news websites when you’re not strong enough for getting more possibilities to be listed at the top in Google.

Are there any benefits? Yes, of course: relevance, visits, spread your brand, knowledge and so much. But for SEO purposes maybe it’s not the best solution.


Your turn about Diggit or Meneame

Do you think it’s profitable or not to share there your content? Does duplicate content counts? Is Google a devil?

Thank you for your comments and, especially for share this content in Google +1, also in Diggit and Menéame, we are strong enough ;)

This article was based in ¿Pueden Menéame o Diggit hundirte en Google?, published originally in Spanish at Marketing Magazine. URL: https://marketingmagazine.es/peligro-agregadores.