Elementos de Marketing de los que hablamos
We have seen in recent years the Internet boom and the global economic crisis have shifted the global advertising market.
Strategies that two years ago were at the top, are now outdated and in the trash because the market has changed, and has changed substantially. Textbooks have to be redone and professionals adapt to a market that is simply revolutionary.
The avalanche of digital advertising in Britain and USA
It is known that data from the U.S. and Britain have two figures in terms of ad spending online, being two countries where a high developed Internet use is well known.
In the UK a four-pound advertising is intended to Digital Media, being the leader in Europe and in the world in this area.
The distribution of the ad spending pie has internet and a top job, and can not be discarded by any large company, but medium or small, investment in social networks, websites, links or advertising on mobile web.
What about Online Marketing and Spain?
This reality has come to Spain, not only large metropolitan areas such as Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia, but medium-sized cities like Leon, where elements such as Internet advertising has to be converted shortly into a mainstay of the strategy of any company, large, medium or small.
Internet is right now widely used, and buying tips are changing. Let’s analyze why old fashioned advertising methods don’t go on in the Internet era.
Online Marketing changed everything.
Investment in newspapers, radio and television sinks, Internet grows
The future is here, and when people is promoting a business in journals, TV or radio, they can not control how many of their clients come from these ads.
The latest wave of September 2011 has shown tremendously significant data for Spain. Zenith watch says ad spending in Spain will fall 2.3% in 2011, reaching 1999 levels.
The data sectors are as follows:
Journals: -7,9%
Free Newspapers: -6,9%
Local Television: -5,4%
Cinema: -5,4%
Magazines: -5%
Outdoor Advertising: -2,4%
Radios: -1,7%
Your turn: What’s the future for Online Marketing?
Do you consider that Online Marketing is going to continue growing? Are TV, Newspaepers or Cinema going to recover their numbers?
Your comments are very welcome and, if you like, here there are buttons for sharing through Internet.
Thank you!