Blog Aigen Digital Marketing, Featured, Internet, Investigación de Mercados, Online Marketing, SEO
Posicionamiento web para pymes: Sus ventajas Las pequeñas empresas o PYMES han conseguido gracias a Internet abrir fronteras, ampliar mercados y potenciar su capacidad para ofrecer sus productos o más concretamente servicios a un mayor número de consumidores...
Blog Aigen Digital Marketing, Featured, Investigación de Mercados, Marketing, Online Marketing, SEO
Google Penguin and SEO This month I was working hard in new tools, pages or even websites for developing strategies in SEO. Google started a new era where you were not only responsible of your website, but also by the ones that link to you. Obviously, I can’t...
Blog Aigen Digital Marketing, Buscadores, Featured, Internet, Marketing, Online Marketing, SEO
Google Penguin Chaos Last weeks I’ve being testing new strategies for developing chances to win in the game versus Google Penguin. It’s known that the new changes in the algorithm are provoking an authentic chaos in the net, and hundred of thousands of...
Blog Aigen Digital Marketing, Buscadores, Featured, Investigación de Mercados, SEO
SEO or SEM?, PPC or PPL? Most of times marketers and other people find this kind of «letters» one after another without knowing quite well what are we talking about. Here we’ll present you some of this concepts, trying to offer you the simplest way to knowledge....
Blog Aigen Digital Marketing, Featured, Redes Sociales
Social Media problems: There are no images in my Facebook!!! One of the best things in Internet is when you like a lot a website and wish to share a page with your friends in your social networks. Like it’s known, the most powerful social media network is...
Blog Aigen Digital Marketing, Featured, Marketing
Internet, SEO, Marketing… What’s the most interesting in this game? A December 2011 study developed by Eurostat, a statistical bureau from the EU Union pointed to the fact that almost one of each 4 EU Community citizens (27 members) never used Internet....